‘Revive Her Drive’ To Help You”
After 2 days of intense study, I applied what you taught me… and she orgasmed over 22 times!
“Oh my God, Susan! It’s as if you were a godsend!
I began reading RHD. After 2 days of intense study, I applied what you taught me, slowly seduced my wife with small yeses. Then I gave her a full body massage w/orgasm! And she totally lost it on our very first night I started doing what you, my dear showed me!
Thank you so much, Susan!!!
By the way, that first night, my wife orgasmed over 22 times that we counted!”
She kept saying …“What are you doing to me?” right before she screamed so loud the neighbors 3 houses away could hear her! Talk about a proud peacock! Susan, my wife is definitely a multi-orgasmic and squirting woman (again on first try) thanks to YOU.
She is perfect.”
Love ya, JT
“Already Having A Strong Effect On Her”
I have only had Revive Her Drive for a few days and I can tell that it’s going to be fabulous for my relationship with my wife. The polarity, masculinity, and leading themes seem to already be having a strong affect on her. I can tell it’s what she has needed. (since we are raising 3 young kids and have been relegated to being full time servants 🙂 ) — Bill
And We Had Sex Right Away”
I finally got the nerve to print your relationship values worksheet, write in my values, and hand it to her last night while she was watching television as usual.
She completed her list diligently and promptly; we had sex right away.
My wife has lots of resistance as she was raised religiously and raped as a child. She orgasms readily on my finger but only a half dozen times in 44 years on my penis. Zero oral.
We have a long way to go, but are now off to a great start. Thank you so much for your expert assistance. — J
I Was Unhappy at 21 Years Married… Now Happy at 30 Years!
Susan I stumbled upon your Revive Her Drive Program in 2011, while I was unhappy in my 21yr Marriage, and have been following you ever since.
Your material has help me stay married now for 30yrs. I thank God for your Program/Ministry.
You are truly a Heaven sent!!!
— Kenneth
I was skeptical and now I’m fully convinced of your sincerity.
I got connected through a trial of Revive Her Drive. I have to admit, when I received the info I felt overwhelmed & basically gave up before getting started. I was also just a little skeptical.
I’ve been reading all the emails the last six months & I’m now fully convinced of your sincerity & desire to help others.
I’ve been blown away by so many of things you’ve had to say in general about living a more fulfilled life.
thank you. — Bob S.
Blessing Us With Greater Intimacy
We have been learning to slowly apply some of your ideas and they are definitely starting to bless us with greater intimacy and with greater pleasures.
Thank you, Susan.
Appreciatively, your learner — Gideon

~ “‘The 4 Elements of Revival’ are very critical concepts and governing principals that I NEVER knew about.”
“I’m now on the 6th interview and I can honestly say that the info so far is shocking for a man. I’m 36, been in two relationships, and after what I’ve heard up till now is that this stuff needs to be taught when we’re young. These are very critical concepts and governing principals that I NEVER knew about. Its a lot for a guy to swallow, but I’m open to it cuz my marriage is suffering! “~ bcozy

~ “I Had No Idea What She Meant By “Romantic” Until Now.”
“Wow, really good stuff so far. I didn’t realise how resistant to being sensual that I was. Now I can see how important it is to a woman. All those times she wants me to be romantic I had no idea what she meant – now I am starting to see.”~ DaveAC

~ “Sweet, sexy, sensual, scary-smart Suz.”
“You impress me so much with your ability to describe such a variety of exquisite erotic sensations so eloquently and precisely and appreciatively for us men. I think your calling is to be a connoisseur of the erotic female experience. The ability you have developed to feel so much and so articulately describe its shades and contours is something amazing to behold. You are a diamond with so many brilliant facets that continue to surprise me and inspire in me more and more respect, adoration, and love.” ~ Tony

~ “I Even Told My Mother How Great I Think Your Work Is!”
“Wanted to send some kudos … I was saying nice things about you and thought I should say them to your face. You may not remember, but I met you back at the convention in SF – great keynote address! You added me to your email list, so since then I’ve been following your communications and have been really, really impressed on how right-on you are regarding the things men could/should be doing to get more of what they want. I’ve told SO many men about your program, and I’m guessing that you’ve made a few sales of off that – they’ve all been excited about the concept. Anyway, when I found myself repeating something you’d s aid when I was speaking with my mom, I thought I’d pass along the kudos directly. Keep up the great work!”~ Jennifer

~ “My wife is becoming my friend.”
“Susan, I am delighted that I found your work. I am absolutely overwhelmed with joy “cloud 9″ that I am learning/have learned the difference between lust and love and that the walls I built are coming down. You know what is happening? My wife is becoming my friend. That is completely awesome.” ~ Phil
~ “It was a huge turn on and we had amazing sex”
“Hi Susan, I’ve been a member about a month and have been very happy with the information I’ve been getting, and am already getting some good results from my wife! I really enjoyed the “Is her sex drive repairable” info below and have been learning how to lead my wife when it comes to sex, and have gained a lot of confidence already. We recently had a talk about how I want her to initiate more and “surprise” me sometimes. This past weekend I walked into our room after putting the kids to bed and she was naked in bed and using her vibrator on herself and said “I got started without you”. She has never masturbated in front of me before so it was a huge turn on and we had amazing sex. Thanks for helping me get the ball rolling! I’m excited to dive deeper into everything!.”
~ Greg
~ “Years Worth Of Benefits”
“I just want to say that I love your work and the programs that you and your colleagues have put together (I have purchased a number of them) have all been fantastic.The first one I subscribed to was ‘Revive her Drive’. So I know how good it is!! And am still benefitting from the tips and advice about 2 years on :)”
~ Rob
The content is awesome and makes me slap my head and say – “Why did I not see this?”
Secondly, I am already finding ways I can reach common ground with my wife of many years and reignite the romance we originally had. Already I’ve taken her out for a special evening using Small Offers, and tried the mirroring (and it worked!). Within three days our communication is warmer, better!
Susan, your program rocks.
I am wholeheartedly grateful I took the plunge and bought it.
I’m a very old-fashioned, reserved Englishman so the bright, sparkly USA approach can be quite alien for me.
But you and your guests are so positive and upbeat, I have no trouble engaging with and enjoying the content and learning from it. — C

~ “As a typical ‘reserved’ Englishman I had many personal doubts buying into your strong US-style ‘persuasion marketing’ of this product – though your integrity I never doubted.”
“I want to deliver a genuine thanks! I’ve not had time to apply anything in just a couple of hours (!) but I’ve already learnt some very interesting things from Karen Brody that – looking on my own struggling relationship – make real sense and will be very easy to adopt. From what I have seen of the rest of this package, I am a very happy customer. As a typical ‘reserved’ Englishman I had many personal doubts buying into your strong US-style ‘persuasion marketing’ of this product – though your integrity I never doubted. But the content I have bought and am viewing is very, very good. Already I am glad I bought into your course. Thanks a million, Susan!”~ NW

~ “I am coming off cloud 9 from the excitement of owning Revive Her Drive.”
“THANK YOU! I am coming off cloud 9 from the excitement of owning RHD. For a person like me, your product sent me into overdrive. I have experienced so many wonderful things in the past month since being a member. The most difficult part has been finding someone to talk to about all the different things that have come up. I am talking about things like a change in beliefs. Things like love and what it means and how to practiced it. I had an interesting discussion with a friend today. Thank God I found someone to bounce this off of… I told him how I felt my wife’s resistance to want to grow with me. She has accepted my ‘small offers’ for nearly a month. She told me last night I didn’t need to do that stuff anymore (interpreted resistance). To summarize, my friend pointed out that she has been growing with me for the last month so it is obviously working. Her words do not match her actions. It was sweet music to my ears. Anyway Susan. I am working diligently with your material as best I can and reminding myself (cuz I have to) this takes time.”~ PM
But she congratulated me as though I achieved a goal. I quickly made sure to express that if I have any goals its to create a close loving fulfilling relationship and i’d like to think of an orgasm as an expression of love that happens naturally when your relationship is based on love.
Regarding the course just how you point out each situation is different and unique. There is no step by step process to fix or repair your wife or relationship. You point out how you provide the house not the design. You give men the framework of knowledge, when they apply it and become more attentive men who act out of love and compassion vs. thinking of how to manipulate someone to get what they want, then they end up being fulfilled in return.
It’s amazing how many relationship issues are because men are blindly selfish. I’m sure women can be to, but men need to lead both out of the dark and into the light.
I have a long way to go but enjoy your emails and program so far. I’ve read the 4 PDF’s and listened to one audio on the 4 areas of focus. Thanks! — John
There is so much knowledge and do many techniques to learn
After getting divorced, I ask myself what is it I could’ve done better. So I just started looking on information on seduction, lovemaking and my favorite: getting to know woman on a psychological level. Reading you and your staff’s information has given me real insight on women and the way she operates. It has made me feel more confidence as a man. I’m trying to soak it all in. There is so much knowledge and do many techniques to learn. Thanks for sharing your personal story too. — Bryan M

~ “‘I love listening to your Revive Her Drive program.”
“Just want to say that I love listening to your Revive Her Drive, program. I like the way you interact with your professional guests. You have a very attractive voice, enthusiastic and fun presentation is what caught my attention. It is a sheer pleasure just to listen too you.”~ Richard, Connecticut

~ “May God Continue Using You To Rebuild Marriages Worldwide”
“Your family life lessons have built a strong understanding of who a woman is and also I have known my needs and the woman’s need in a relationship. Indeed you are a timely counselor for serious spouses in all social human groups. May God continue using you to build many collapsing marriage relationships worldwide. Yours Happy Husband”~ Clive

~ “If my partner would have implemented these items – we may have had a chance.”
“Female participant here – just out of a long term relationship … if my partner would have implemented these items – we may have had a chance. Expecting and anticipating – no doubt here – to find happiness and satisfaction (DAILY) in the near future.” ~ Tori

~ “Insight: I Give Her The Gift Of Opening Her To Her Deepest Sexual Desires”
“All of the materials are *excellent*. It’s wonderful to have an experienced woman help one understand the steps and mental shifts one needs to make in order to create the kind of wonderful, connected, intimate sexual relationship both partners want. One concept stood out above all of the others: Helping my woman trust and open up to her deepest sexual desires is a gift I give to her. That she wants this but can’t really do it herself. All I have to say to that is, “Wow! How amazingly beautiful!” Thanks much for everything, but especially that insight!” ~ Dave
She used to get mad after sex because it took too long, arguments would follow and what a bad experience for both. Since then though she typically is the one coming on to me.
Mainly because of self development and realizing a really simple thing. Many men find themselves in the Catch-22. They don’t help around the house or other things because they feel resentment about never getting blow jobs or having bad sex or not enough sex. Likewise the woman is annoyed with her man because he’s kind of an annoying guy! ha
But once I went on a self journey starting with your friend, Calle Zorro of TheMarriageYouWant, I realized that I was really not a very quality man. I am a very good man and a good person, but in relationships I was a taker, not a giver. I only deceived myself and tried to deceive my wife and manipulate. I love your program so far, I love your voice too. You’re a very skilled intelligent interviewer, I’m so impressed with you. — Jon

~ “Your dynamic, sexually arousing, power packed, information gave me goose bumps.”
“Dear Susan; I have always known that there was so much more to life, after raising your children, encouraging them to get a good education in the process, paying your bills and then; recycling one or two of the stubborn ones all over again. I am going to throw in, arguing or having unnecessary discussing with your wife or husband. You are correct when you in your assertion that our minds are too full of shit to concentrate on the finer things in life. I am going to start spending more of my time and money getting to know you better in order to realize my maximum sexual potential.”~ Ted

~ “Your Material Has Woken Me Up.”
“We went to the mall last night and had the best time and I could tell that she was opening up to me. Better yet I was more focused on her, from just what I read and applied. Your material has woken me up which I certainly needed.”~ Rich
I have joined the Revive Her Drive membership club for about a month now and have been meaning to give you some feedback. I am delighted with the level of support that I’ve had in terms of the emails and on a more personal level as well. Thank you.
I started with the ‘Relationship Values Workbook’ and it has had positive effect already. Thank you again.
Some thoughts.
How I wish I had this information when I was in my youth!!!
Initially I was a bit put off by the idea of “seducing” women. Nice boys didn’t go round trying to seduce girls and nice girls didn’t get seduced. Things have changed a lot in 50 years!!
I am quite comfortable with idea in the context of Revive Her Drive.
The whole idea of the “masterful man” seems to fly in the face of 50 years of feminism. Have men in their endeavor to accommodate feminist ideals given up to much power, especially in the bedroom? I feel I have.
Thank you for the new life you are breathing into my relationship with my wife. It is very much appreciated.
With loving kindness, Warren
I am now immersing myself in the “4 Elements of Revival.” The idea of “Polarity” is something that I can relate too. Over the last 40 years I have given up many of my leadership roles largely due to depression. I feel that I have turned the corner and hope that positive changes in my relationship with my wife will further build upon this.
I am excited to think that this is just the start! The idea of “Oneness” seems very similar to Tantric lovemaking and is something that has always been a very desirable state of mind, body, and soul to me.”
With loving kindness, W.
Note: The’ 4 Elements of Revival,’ ‘Relationship Values,’ ‘Polarity’ and ‘Oneness’ are all concepts from Revive Her Drive.

~ “Millions of men in the whole world are suffering with this problem.”
“It’s been good for the past two weeks. I have had sex with her attaining amazing orgasms. I hopeful it will continue to get better. Suz why cant you advertise your programme widely? Millions of men in the whole world are suffering with this problem and have no single idea of what is going on. I must say I have seen the results but I still have a good journey to do before I bring her back to good consistent sexual life. Please continue with this important work. But how come the medical field has missed this important information?”~ MM

~ “After twenty five years of marriage, I have confidence that these materials will help me get back in the game with renewed vigor.”
“Susan, thank you for your interest and concern for helping with these relationship issues. After twenty-five years of marriage, my wife and I really need some revival in our intimacy. A lot of water has gone under the bridge and your program is starting to shows signs of putting some heat back into that water, but I definitely need some refreshing of my seduction skills. I have confidence that these materials will help me get back in the game with renewed vigor. Thanks Susan!”~ Darrel
What you have described in this webinar is exactly what is happening in my marriage.
My first task would be to overcome her resistance, because it is really stiff. I am happy I now know what to do. My other challenge would also be to overcome her fatigue, which is always in her despite doing as little work as possible.
Susan, the majority of the men don’t know this fact about women. Men are so miserable as they don’t know what to do. Its a sad situation. Many thanks Susan and kind regards. — Minza
I am now immersing myself in the “4 Elements of Revival.” The idea of “Polarity” is something that I can relate too. Over the last 40 years I have given up many of my leadership roles largely due to depression. I feel that I have turned the corner and hope that positive changes in my relationship with my wife will further build upon this.
I am excited to think that this is just the start! The idea of “Oneness” seems very similar to Tantric lovemaking and is something that has always been a very desirable state of mind, body, and soul to me.”
With loving kindness, W.
Note: The’ 4 Elements of Revival,’ ‘Relationship Values,’ ‘Polarity’ and ‘Oneness’ are all concepts from Revive Her Drive.
“You Had Me Laughing Out Loud”
Hi Sue,
I just had to write to you after watching the “Revive Her Drive” video. Who would have thought you’d make an excellent motivational speaker. A guy would have had to be unconscious not to want to hear every word that you spoke. You had me laughing out loud at some of your descriptions about certain body parts, “Pootie?’ Hilarious.
You are a great storyteller, and the way you use expressions in your voice keeps it interesting and humorous.
Take care and love your man,
— Rob
I just put up a new forum post as a reply to my plea for help a couple of weeks back. You both took precious time out to help me out and I remain utterly grateful for what you offered. How can I say enough thanks?
OK, it is still early days – but you have a Revive Her Drive success story unfolding here in the UK!
My wife, whom I dearly love, has struggled with a phobia for 29 years. You might recall we are in therapy. Well OK, the therapy probably did some of the trick but I have absolutely no doubt the things I learnt from you and your colleagues helped us build a safe space for her to challenge herself and throw out some of her problems! I’ve seen warm, positive changes happen in her since I took up the course, but the awesome change she made stole my breath right away! The details are in the forum post.
These changes would not have happened if I had continued in my ‘old’ frame of mind. I now know I was focusing on all the wrong things.
We men HAVE to change, and learn how to respect, love, cherish, and support our ladies. You showed me that! It is not me that is reaping the benefit – it is my wife. And she deserves every bit of it! And because she is healing we both benefit and I am finding we awake to a new experience!
So, OK, I can’t hug you but the thought is there!!! 😀
I’ll keep you posted.
And feel free to use what I posted on the forum, and what it in this e-mail, for your RHD publicity. I’ll happily stand by what I say.
With greatest of gratitude, Clive UK
I must be honest with you and confess it now! I am coming clean with you! Your recent picture of you and your beloved was giant great! You are a wonderful inspiration! And you both look great!
I just read your “man” stiff-it-up articles in your series, you know the ones—by Xuma and Hudson.
This is good stuff, not just for marriage but in working with others everywhere.
For example, I got a hair cut the other day. The lady working on my hair was “fat!” Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, I looked for the good in her. Then I expressed what I found. Results? She gave me a glorious hair cut — and by the time I was ready to leave, she fairly was coming on to me! Attention and appreciation are so powerful.
Giving a person a “frame” in Dr. Patti Taylor’s mode is just as excellent. Just telling someone the moment of wonder about them is so marvelous.
I know the last time I emailed you, I was depressed beyond comprehension. You put it to me honest and straight. That was helpful.
I discovered that a person’s difficulty is actually an empowering moment. They are intended to help you learn the skills to lift you to a higher level.
As you know, I am a preacher so I have to give you my little sermon for today. Calle Zorro of TheMarriageYouWant mentioned it. He suggested that you get from others what you expect to get. Since we make judgments about people and since we are certain we are right in our judgment, (to put it in Calle’s words, “If I mostly always get to be right, then it is in my best interest to see and expect the best in others.” That is what helped me from you. It is simply, “A man must genuinely believe in his wife’s greatness more than she believes in it herself,” as Zorro puts it.
Having a grand day. And because I know you, I know you will. That is just who you are! — Kenneth

~ “I’ve Been Turning Her Off To Me Without Understanding How Or Why.”
“Thanks for being so thoughtful. I’ve been back and forth in my success at reviving my wife’s drive, making some ground and then feeling a step back. I realized, listening to Seduction Integrity with Karen Brody and Lifelong Passion with Alex Allman modules (and reading David Deida’s books) that I need to just let her hit me with emotion and not take it personally and this will be more of a turn on and hotter for her. I think I’ve been to open about wanting to please her and in a way turning her off to me. It’s all good, I’m going to get better and take her beyond her wildest dreams hopefully.”~ Steve
You have totally under promised and over-delivered on your interview series “Revive Her Drive”.
I am deeply touched by what you have done, the way you have done it and the spirit underlying your work
The depth of the interviews is such that I’ve begun giving them repeated listenings.
My wife doesn’t know what’s changed but I can tell you that I’m loving the way she is changing and responding. I fallen in love with her all over again.
Sheri Winston’s Module and book are fabulous. It was great to be reminded of TOUCH again. And, and, and………..
Sincerely and with deep appreciation,
I found you in October through Dean and Kate and have been following your emails since. I started this journey in August and I have to say that going at it alone has been somewhat of a success but with a fair amount of struggle. Even that said, my relationship with my wife has never been better.
I wanted to tell you that in the few short days I have been using your program that I have found it extremely helpful and powerful. So far the most powerful and helpful example is that I need to slow down and not push to fix this RIGHT NOW DAM IT!
My solution to not getting sex and or not getting good sex has been to have more sex. And not the ways you suggest, but rather the begging and pleading and demanding etc. I have a bit of a slow burner to work with as you put it.
Somehow with the use of your program I have been able to step back a bit and slow the pace. I am at peace with the way things are and the progress we are making. I needed someone to tell me to slow down….even though deep down I knew that is what I had to do. I also recognize that in order for me to do this MY HOUSE MUST BE IN ORDER. I am grateful that I am in a place today that I can work on this with your help.
In addition, I truly am appreciative and thankful of the professional and healthy nature of your program and I like the line in the fast path guide that states if she finds out about what you are doing there is nothing in the content that can’t be shared with her.
For me, your product is a safe way to repair our relationship. The most ironic thing for me is that a large amount of the discussion centers around improving the relationship. The consequences for improving the relationship then become an additional connection through sex which is pleasurable. As we continue on the path the cycle just keeps improving. This is a fantastic and awesome opportunity. I have spent a good portion of my life stuck in destructive cycles where my actions produced negative consequences and then I took more negative actions that produced more negative consequences. What a way to live!
So thanks and I am looking forward to sharing my progress with you.

~ “You own all my attention, all my energy and time in the last 3 months since I bought Revive Her Drive.”
“Dear Susan, You have opened up a whole new world for me and the program, Revive Her Drive is worth every penny for me. The Dr. Deborah Metzger interview helped me with my woman. I have to find out the right medicine for my woman’s high blood pressure. Her libido is almost zero, she has almost no feelings in her sensitive spots and I think that’s why everything is going so slow in our sex life. I always have to push her almost half way to orgasm before she reacts. But Susan, thank you, thank you, thank you. You own all my attention, all my energy and time the last three months. I have been listening to the audio every day and it is VERY helpful for me.”~ D from Iceland
“I have felt like you are my friend.”
I sincerely appreciate your advice from the bottom of my heart!
For the first time I have felt like you are my friend to whom I am sharing my problems and will work on your advice
Thanks once again
Your new friend (hope you don’t mind my friendship) — S. Shah, India
Just wanted to be sure I am still on your email lists as I want to check out any new content as soon as possible.
Also, I’m sure I will be first in line for any new programs you create as these have been invaluable to me so far.
I will also be sure to recommend your programs to anyone who asks my advise (or complains) about their marriage. — Tom E.
I really wanted to have my subject heading titled HOLY SHIT! I about fell over last night. I have Revive Her Drive for 3 days and BAM! Sex like we have not had in 2 years.
I told you I had been going at it alone doing some of the suggested exercises that I could discern from your emails I have been following since October, as well as some things from other resources.
Apparently the difference of owning Revive Her Drive is the difference!
Last night my wife got home from a late meeting and I ‘ran a menu’ which included 4 items; I make her tea, watch TV together, Give her a back rub or me going to sleep so she could have some alone time. There was zero expectations for sex. The scenario just had ‘she is tired’ written all over it. I had also used 2 erotic communication words. I used the words ‘admired’ and ‘delicious.’ She fired back with her own menu that we could take a shower together and then watch TV together with our arms wrapped around each other. I was taken back. I was about to be in bed sleeping! Had I not ran that menu I would have been sleeping for sure. Anyway, before we made it into the shower she was up on the vanity and it was like years ago.
I admit to being a bit nervous sharing all this with you because I am not sure my wife would appreciate me sharing details of our sex life however I am excited about my/our success as a couple and feel like a 16 year old – like now what? The sex was great and I just enjoyed it instead of trying to over pleasure her and put pressure on her to perform.
My problem now is the ejaculation control. That is a tough one on the ego to talk about… I plan on getting into the audio on that [Orgasmic Mastery Module] to be able to start working on it… After sex last night I “rewarded” her for her good behavior, but I wanted to talk to her about better sex… and my lack of control and her having orgasms but I have learned that sometimes keeping your mouth shut is better and it felt like a good time to use that tool. None the less I am bothered I did not talk to her about it and to be honest I have fear now that because I know through our discussions that she is not sexually satisfied that the results for her last night provide a negative re-enforcement that says see – he is just in it for himself…
I have not used the forum yet — but I wanted to share my experience with you and get some feed back. For me, I have to tell you that deep down I knew from the moment I saw Revive Her Drive that it would work. Yet I am still some how amazed. The set of circumstances that are in my marriage and relationship of 16 years with my wife cause me to believe that what I am experiencing now and the hope that I have for the future is nothing short of a miracle. — Name Withheld
“Move Over, Tony Robbins… Susan Bratton is better.”
“It would be difficult to compare the wealth of expertise in the tremendous team of experts Susan has brought together, because anyone who buys a programme that works for them will rave about it. To the exclusion of the others. The amazing set up and support we have at Personal Life Media has changed my life for the better (and I thought Tony Robbins was good!). I am so glad I found RHD.
My wife will be too, one day.” — Andrew

~ “Everything So Far Is As Advertised”
“Thanks for all you did to remedy my customer service situation. I appreciate and welcome the gesture regarding your new e-book, “Female Genitalia: Anatomy and Engorgement.” I am traveling right now and was really hoping I didn’t stumble across some shady program online. Everything I saw online about you guys was so promising that I eventually figured that what happened with my order must be some glitch. Everything so far is as advertised and I look forward to leaving a comment for you shortly on your site. Thank you once again.”~ Rich

~ “You Sly Little Fox!”
“You’re mastering art of tricking men into falling in love with their woman all over again, you sly little fox.” ;-)”~ David O.
I think the best advise I took from this discussion was to slow down and “Remember the steps and the order of those steps. First romance her heart and mind. Then add in the senses and sensual romance strategies which bring sensual pleasure into both your lives every single day. Then and only then, when you are getting responses from romance and sensual pleasure, add in seduction.” I think too often as men we just want to fix things and then be done but this is a process that will take time (the rest of our lives) to fully develop. Especially if we “have many years of habit to unwind…” We need to remember to “Take a deep breath and delight in baby steps of progress. And remember too, that this is a process in which you will take steps backward as well as forward, but ultimately you are moving forward.” I KNOW this can be frustrating (believe me I do) but I think by encouraging each other in the process, it helps to dissipate some of the anger and frustration that we so!
Thank you Susan for creating the environment for us to do so! I especially appreciated when you said, “If you romance her to warm her heart, if you bring her sensual pleasure… that is not coercion, darling. That is your divine masculine energy, your vision, leadership, love, respect for the goddess, joy, delight, human connection. Bring it to her. Open your little flower with the warmth of your love and your lust for her.”
Also being married for over 20 years, I now recognize the classic “nice guy” trap of not wanting to manipulate your partner. I understand now it is NOT manipulation to have a vision for where you want your relationship to go, they are still free to not follow your vision if they choose, but it is certainly better than no vision at all which just leads to frustration because they don’t know what you want. Thanks again for the great discussion (and the audio interviews!) You certainly go above and beyond!
Did I happen to say Thank You!?! — “Steamy”
“Your Advice Feels Heart-Filled”
Your advice definitely tops all the advice I’ve gotten about my estrangement with my ex, so that’s really good. Your advice is honest and to me, feels heart-filled and that’s really helpful to me. Thank you. — Lee
When you say, “hey here is the experience, here is what happened (strength) and here are the results (hope).” I listen.
Case and Point…..You said kiss her eyelids…..I said to myself yeah right…..I resisted…now; thankfully I have been trained to take successful people’s “models” and do what they suggest regardless of how I feel. So I chose to do it anyway. The results???? She loved it! Now she sometimes lines up for it lol. This also happened with the foot massage suggestion. I thought why the hell would she want me to rub her feet? I did it and she liked it. As a matter of fact it indirectly led us to our first sensual massage that evening. We used avocado oil as you suggested… I was ready with the oil and had told her I was going to ask her to take part in a sensual massage no strings attached several weeks ago…
I am grateful you chose to do this work and share it with others. I have seen so far that there has not been one instance….NOT ONE….where you have misguided me. — “Funphilled”
I think that you do your subscribers a disservice by making them responsible for her arousal – maybe it’s inevitable, due to inherent physiology and psychology. But I was hoping for a solution that engaged us as equals, partners in our joint arousal, not making me the required lead for everything, again, still and always. I’m just tired.
As for counseling, also been there, done that and got several t-shirts. I don’t think it’ll make any difference, because I just don’t care anymore – the only reason I haven’t unsubbed from all the e-mail lists is that I paid for the program, and I don’t like burning bridges that I’ve invested in. Other than that, I almost always delete the e-mails without even reading them.
I hope that this continues to work for you as a money maker, and I hope that there are some couples that this can work for. I’m not one of them (see the problem? I am the couple…), and it was just a financially painful lesson to learn.
Thanks for replying,
“I am so pleased to feel the fire back in my wife’s bones.”
Susan, Since Revive Her Drive, I am improving all the time. You ought to see how my my wife is kissing me now.
A truly great love connection is developing.
I am so pleased. Thanks for helping me put fire back into her bones. — Will
Relating my penis engorgement pleasure to a woman’s anatomy was easy for me to grasp and gives me more confidence to know what I am doing with my woman.
That, combined with employing Dr Patti’s ideas on TOUCH, has opened up new pleasure playing fields for us.
Her sexual responses and orgasmic response are definitely encouraging.
Also, I love your interview style and appreciate the insights you share in your products. — Andrew
“There is something soft and genuine about your words.”
I’m sure you have a whole bunch of guys who email you . . like groupies . . almost . . including me, but there is something soft and genuine about your words. I get that this is a business and the computer, online, virtual world is a place where you make your living . . and I get to tag alone just a little . . from time to time. No need to answer this one; you’ve answered one today already . . more than your quota. I had a complement to pay and wanted to pay it. My best to you.
Thomas Edison once said that, “Creativity is one percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.”
David Shade’s techniques provide the 1 percent “top of the pyramid”, and Calle provides you with the essential 90 percent at its base.
David Shade is extremely insightful when it comes to women’s sexuality and he has some really juicy stuff that I’m dying to try, but I know we’re not there just yet, so I’m not going to go there until were absolutely ready.
Will I be working on my masculinity, leadership and becoming an interesting guy… a guy I’d want to date….you bet!!! and he touches on all of that stuff in “The Masterful Lover Manifesto” in RHD in a big way.
I temper his material with Karen Brody’s concepts regarding Seduction Integrity. I could listen to her all day.
Calle also provides tough love by expanding on David’s Manisfesto with a program that you read — and then reread — and read again, and then screw up a few times, and read again, etc. Yes, I think Calle’s material is worth its weight in gold (and he’s a really nice guy besides) I don’t want to “shake my finger”, but I recommend until you get Calle’s Zoro’s material under your belt, I would only use fundamental aspects of David’s material until you have gotten your house in order. You really need to have your shit together to try his more advanced stuff… If you have read (or listened to) David’s “What is a Masterful Lover,” Calle Zorro’s material expands on all of those aspects he touches upon and provides the baby steps steps necessary attain them.
Is this the only material you should get?…..Nope! because Susan in her “Seduction Summit” (within Revive Her Drive) provides an in depth survey, interviews and hard copy of wide panel of experts (including Calle and David) and at the risk of sounding like even more of a shill… it is pure genius!
At first, I did all of this stuff because I wanted to “get sex” which is certainly the “hook” in all of this material, but you find out quickly its more about respect, affection and; of course, sexual fulfillment — for both of you. Dr. Patti Taylor, (in RHD) has taught me to touch a woman and set the physical and mental stage that gives my touch greater presence and impact. That said, be careful with this stuff, be like Shogun, If your insincere or are trying too hard to please her — she’ll smell it on you and to quote Alex Allman (in RHD) who is also very good, it will come off as “un-confident”.
Pay more attention to what is in between the steps instead of the steps themselves. That’s my own!
I am the proud owner of TheMarriageYouWant (Calle Zorro) Revive Her Drive (Susan Bratton) and Dr Patti’s Expand her Orgasm Tonight material. As David Shade said (about his own material) “learning all of this information at once is like drinking from a fire hose.” He also said: “I dont tell you the things you want to hear, I tell you the things that you need to hear.”
This has become relevant for me in a big way, I have been given the rare oppertunity to really take a hard look at myself and has allowed me to see myself as my wife (and others) see me. It has increased my self awareness and my “mode of operation” as Calle would say it or how I “walk through my life,” as Susan would say…
I’ll quickly add its not always been the greatest movie to watch. Through more than a little pain on some occasions, I have noticed the transformation take place in my own personality. This has made the treatment I get from my wife (or my false perceptions) of lesser concern… I’ll quickly add that I have far to go.
I categorize my self as a “Guy” who used to hide behind the good cooking and the material gifts that perhaps served more of my own ego than hers (I still like to cook). I now understand why she is reluctant to accept gifts and rebuffs my offers to take our sexual relationship to another level when I place more importance on the ego based “gift” or “next level” instead of being present in that journey. I work daily on keeping a metal finger on my emotional pulse and taking things a step at a time.
My hot house orchid (thanks Clive – another RHD member from the Forum) is; yes, somewhat PG-13, and while we have sex all of the time and loves my sultry fantasy stories I tell her in bed, she’s a bit reluctant to experience the total loss of control an Expanded Orgasm would bring. She thinks I feel it’s never enough and that I have too much energy for her. She is resistant to letting me set up and get into “loverspace” and do the stoking it would take to bring her there. I told her that I am doing this for both of us and you can just lie there and let it happen (or not happen) it doesn’t matter and there is absolutely no judgement and im open to what she brings etc. She said she’ll think about it…. so we’ll see what happens.
Thanks again you guys for all of your help! It has become quite a journey… and I’m almost becomming someone I would want to date, — but I’m still washing my hair and I’ll have to call me back later… ; ) — Paul
“Your information helps me create a quality relationship with a man.”
“Thank you so much for your great information I receive regularly. Its fun, relaxed and really well proportioned.
I am a women but reading your inspiration helps me a great deal to set the right measure as to what to expect from a quality relationship with a man. I come from a long road and have much to learn and feel very comfortable with your instructions.” — Rita
“I realize I’ve been a “need hole” who lacks personal authority and needed more confidence knowing my way around a woman’s body.”
“Your Revive Her Drive program has been a “God-sent” program. I sure wish I knew 20 years ago what I know now 🙂
I realize – thru your Revive Her Drive Summit interviews – that I’ve been a “need hole” and I lack personal authority (thanks John Alanis) and I have not had enough confidence when it comes to knowing my way around a woman’s body. I also want to thank you for introducing me to Carlos Xuma. I’ll be picking up his new Alpha Male Program 2 on tomorrow. Thanks Susan!!!! — Kenneth
“I appreciate your work and the heart with which you do it.”
I am pouring over the Revive Her Drive almost daily and I learn something new each time. — Gene
“So far the material has been great.”
Best of luck with your business and your own relationship. I think its fantastic that resources like this are available to couples. – Mark
“You are the new standard bearer for making sexuality a relaxing, common topic.”
I’m moved by the pedestrian quality of the concepts and language – very accessible to us ‘normal’ town-folk. Linking sex with honesty really works for me. The realistic description of what a hug can accomplish… brilliant and helpful. Seems to me you are becoming the new standard bearer for making sexuality a relaxing, common topic. — David Ferrera, Sebastopol, CA
“I don’t want my old patterns of thinking with my ex wife to mess me up with my new wife.”
I’ve loved everything about Revive Her Drive I’ve seen so far. I’ve been able to put some things in practice already and have seen them work.
I found out about your program on an podcast episode of “Sex With Jayia”. I loved the show and immediately got on your email list.
My marriage is not bad, but my prior marriage fell victim to most of the problems I’ve read about and heard about on that podcast. We made it for 15 years, but the sex life started to spiral down after 5. My wife now is very different, but has started menopause. We have been married 5.5 years now. I want to be sure we don’t suffer the same way as the first time around. I can see that I had wrong-thinking in my first go. I wanted her to take the lead. I used to barter for sex (not literally). I don’t want old patterns to mess me up again.
Btw, I work in science in higher ed. I love the grounded, pragmatic approach you take.
Best Regards,
Doug from Utah
“My Relationship Is 100% Better”
Susan, I just wanted to say, you really have made my relationship 100 percent better. You give me the information, and it helps me every time, and I love it that way.
I couldn’t express my thanks enough. – Lane
“Your advice has increased my self-esteem and how she sees me as well.”
“I truly feel like I’m in control of my relationship now, instead of asking my friends for their advice, I ask a woman who is very professional and definitely knows what she’s talking about!
I really cannot thank you enough Susan, you really have made things a lot better for me and my girlfriend.
Because of you, I’ve given her vaginal, and even blended orgasms! Which has not only increased my self esteem and how I see myself, but also how she sees me as well!” — Lane
“Your Contribution Is Helping Not Only Men, But Women As Well”
“I think you have, and are still, along with always be a great star and a wonderful teacher and instructor today and in the future. Your contributions with your online programs like Revive Her Drive are helping not only men, but women as well. I know for a man to be happy, his woman must be happy too. You find a sexually satisfied women, you will find not only a happy woman, you will find a happy man also. ” — Pete
“She Slowly Removed The Shell That Prevented Her Sexual Enjoyment.”
“I am 72 – don’t look or act my age!!! My wife of almost 51 years has slowly removed the shell that prevented or at least restricted her sexual enjoyment. Even after all these years, I thrill at the experience of my shaft in her vagina. Your material is just super and I am learning more with each visit to your site. Thanks much.” — Fran
“I thank you as a spokesman from all mankind.”
I am English and not American. I absolutely LOVED your communication style – Open, positive, frank [exactly the right mix of ‘socially acceptable’ ‘unmistakable jargon’ and how in the privacy of our own minds, the words most of us prefer to speak].
Also, your emotion, AND realistically good sense and empathy, were really really, really good. I applaud your intention and the place you’re coming from; and I applaud your ‘further place…’ developmental interests.
I believe your teachings will do a lot for womens’ [and mens’] confidence, and ultimate ‘out into the cosmos’ pleasure.
THANK YOU (and you can say that a few times) for writing it; and I say this not just from me, but as if I were a spokesman from all of mankind, both now and for as long as humans exist. — Richard Mason
My wife told me today is the happiest day in our marriage because I practiced leading her.
Dear Susan,
I have listen to your audio recording “how to lead your women’ and practiced it with my wife. She is very happy and wonderful. She told today is the happiest day in our married life.
I would like to listen more from you. I want to make her even more happy.
Thank you.
Mohammed S.
Kerala- India.
She Initiates Lovemaking More Often Now That I Have A Greater Understanding Of How To Get Her Aroused Because of Revive Her Drive.
Since becoming a member of Revive Her Drive, my wife has become SO much more responsive to our love life. Prior to joining RHD our sex life was about the same as most couples. I now have a greater understanding of my wife’s needs and how to get her aroused. She initiates lovemaking more often. — Tom
Thanks for all of your great advice, Susan!
My wife and I are in our sixties and I have been working on reviving her drive. My wife has been tackle defensive for years and for about 15 years I was lucky to have her have sex with me two to four times a month and maybe once a year she would give me oral sex. However, slowly working with her the last nine months we are to the point where she is sleeping in the nude like she did when we were first married, will cuddle for 30-40 minutes each morning as we both slowly wake up and we are having sex three or four times per week with her providing oral sex at least once per week. She still doesn’t have major orgasms every time we have sex but they usually move her world on the weekends. She is still working 40 hours per week and her work has a lot of paperwork at night so she is usually very tired and stressed out mid week. She is allergic to most scents and during the winter will not go out to get in the hot tub to relax. Foreplay is usually an hour or more to get her to relax but once she relaxes things are so enjoyable. I still have not been able to get her to ejaculate using my fingers but sometimes it feels that she may be ejaculating when I have penetrated her. Any suggestions? — Robert
This program is working for sure!
“I have been a Revive her Drive customer for almost a year…and yes…slowly but surely the program is working…”
— Married Man of 10 Years
“Revive Her Drive Works Like Crazy”
Susan is an unabashed advocate for men in stale, sexless relationships and has some of the best advice I’ve seen to take charge and turn things around.
When I man up and work this program, it works like crazy.
⎼⎼ Gerry T.
“I’ve Been Listening All Day Today.”
“I want you to know I’ve been married for 20 years and I had no idea this kind of stuff existed before I bought Revive Her Drive yesterday. I’ve been listening all day today . I have learned so much. I have more to learn. I really appreciate you in your interviews you help me a lot. You asked the right questions to them. You freaking rock girl.” ⎼⎼ CB
Thank You For Your Inspiring Words
OMG!! Thank you for replying to me so quickly and for such inspiring words!! I really needed that. I won’t give up even if it takes years to undo what I’ve done by accident with my wife. I will get on this ASAP and will report back. I wasn’t sure when i decided to purchase Revive Her Drive it was going to be interactive or not. But now I know that you have my back!!
Thank you so much!! ⎼⎼ Gil V.
“I have opened her to more than she has ever let any other partner ever take her .”
“Hello Susan,
Thanks for replying to me when I was upset about my girlfriend not talking to me or being affectionate with me.
You asked me why.
Well I really had no idea and when I went and asked her what was bothering her that only made things worse. So after emailing you I sat down and did a lot of thinking about what was happening to us, and why things were getting so distant and so bad that we didn’t even talk let alone have any intimacy and after only 1 year of living together.
I went back into my old files and found your teachings called, “21 Deadly Seduction Mistakes Men In Relationship Make That Kill Your Sex Life.”
I was making almost all of the mistakes outlined in the file.
I was playing the victim, had a huge “get mentality” and had no integrity and no control over my emotions or my actions.
The realization of all that I was doing to drive her away and that it was my actions and the way I was saying things and the way I was communication and transmitting, not the actual words but the way I was using them that was killing us.
It was a huge eye opener, I took your advice and swallowed my pride and sucked it up and I got her to talk to me by first just asking her to listen and nothing more.
Once I started talking and explaining all I have done to drive her away and about how I finally understand why she was so distant and not interested in me at all she started to come around and started to really open up to me and actually communicate with me.
It was amazing Susan, for the first time in months we were communication and connecting and I was finally understanding what she was saying and not lost.
So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I was facing certain doom and now I have hope for the future and can see the light again.
My girl and I have such passion for each other and the sex has never ever been dull or boring for us and I have opened her to more than she has ever let any other partner ever take her to so we have no issue there.
I only now have to as you say revive her drive and get back to were she can’t keep her hands off me like in the beginning.
So again thank you for that, I am looking forward to the Revive Her Drive program and am very excited to get started with that.”
⎼⎼ Pilot Paul
“By that time, we’re all over each other and you know what happens next.”
Hi Susan:
I’ve been following Personal Life Media for over a year now, ever since I found you by Googling “Marital Relationships” (or “Martial Arts” as I sometimes think of it). And yes, I did mean “Martial” as opposed to “Marital Arts”.
In that year I’ve learned so much I’d never known, or in many cases, I had never even thought much about. You and your lady friends have revealed soooo much that every Man should be force-trained about by the time he gets his first female-induced erection. Where else could I have learned this stuff? Nowhere that I’ve ever stumbled upon in my 66 years. The things I’ve learned about my wife from you, Dr. Patti, Sloane and Tallulah actually DO fill volumes.
I’ve still got miles to go, but I’m learning, and my wife is noticing. And you and The Ladies make it fun to study.
She and I have always been on the same wavelength whenever either of us says “Let’s get naked!” it doesn’t always mean “I want sex RIGHT NOW, DAMMIT! Shuck your gear and let’s get down to the nitty gritty!” It can just as easily mean “I just want to lie down with you, hold you, cuddle with you, share the best or worst of my day and feel it melt away into insignificance, just by feeling you in my arms and knowing you understand how much it means to me to have you to just listen and truly care. You make my troubles disappear til at least tomorrow, by which time you will have given me the strength and motivation to take on all comers!”
And often, by that time, we’re all over each other and you know what happens next. After all, we ARE naked together! Now, thanks to you and PLM, it’s happening even better and more often.
There’s no doubt you and The Gals have helped our sex life, but you’ve also helped us enormously with basic one-on-one communication. As far as “one-on-one” is concerned, I’m not sure which is better: our communication or our sex?
So thanks, Susie, and keep it cumming!
“When I hear a woman say, “you’re such an amazing lover,” I have to smile.”
You’re such a beautiful woman! I just want to thank you for being a part of my life for 6 or 7 years now. Revive her Drive has taught me so much. I couldn’t save my marriage, but it was most likely over well before I found your material. I’ve applied so much of what I’ve learned from your programs to the women I’ve met since my divorce. When I hear a woman say, “you’re such an amazing lover,” I have to smile because I truly know how to be an amazing lover. So, again thank for all you do and keep up the good work. That goes to Sloane and Dr. Patti as well.
Aiming to please,
Your Approach Is Spot On.
“You’ve been working with men long enough to know how we think and what we’re looking for in the way of advice.
Fortunately, at age 80 I’m sexually active and have had girl friends (one at a time 🙂 who still enjoy sex. I never stop educating myself on the female psyche. While frustrating at times it is endlessly fascinating, and your approach is spot on.” ― Bill Gray
Within 2 Weeks The Oxytocin Kicked In.
Susan, We’ve been married for 50 years and it’s become almost sexless until RHD. I used small offers to snuggle her nude with the promise I wouldn’t try to get sex. Within 2 weeks the oxytocin kicked in. We are now having scheduled sex four times a week. Thanks for RHD. ― Don
Hot Hotel Sex
“I took my wife to weekend at four star hotel and we really enjoyed it. It seems that sex is about conditions which are hard to replicate at home… kids don’t sleep at night etc…
Still Revive Her Drive is the thing which kicked me back on track. It allowed me to see my sex life with my wife in different way and so stayed with my lovely wife and kids. Many things have changed for the good since getting your program.” — P from Europe
That Was Great Work My Sweet Mare.
“THANK YOU SUSAN for all your help in the sexual arena, since my husband did your Revive Her Drive he has made a knew woman out of me.
I have been able to be satisfied by him. It gives me great joy in knowing we both enjoy our sex life all the more.
He says to me, that was great work my sweet mare, and I return the compliment, and thank him for allowing him my beautiful Stallion, for his service.
Thank you for giving of yourself to make us a better couple. Now we are also going to start a group to show young couples how good life can be when love and sex can be done together the right way.” — T&G
“I finally understood my sexuality.”
Dear Susan and Tim:
Your course “Revive Her Drive” is one of the best relationship/love life improvement courses that I’ve ever experienced. I finally understood my sexuality as it relates to men, how I still need his warm and giving romantic behavior towards me to turn me on like in the beginning when he and I were first falling in love.
My husband is a unique case. Not only has he had a lifelong learning disability, even though intelligent, he has never experienced an adult warm and giving FRIENDSHIP and was negatively trained for 40 yrs in a marriage with an active alcoholic before he met me.
Revive Her Drive strikes me as helpful to so many men!
I’ve recommended it to couples in person, and men and women in person, and I will continue to do so.
I’ve also experienced your excellent customer service. (I suffer from extreme panic at times due to my husbands problems relating to me, and so during one of my panic attacks I made a panicked mistake with one of our orders and you handled me with care and consideration anyway.)
Thanks so much for your great work!
Mrs. Happy Now