Become Your Woman’s
Master Seducer”
In Ways You’ve Only Fantasized About (Until NOW!)

Congratulations My Friend and Welcome,
Because you’ve received a link to this page, you can enjoy exclusive Insider’s Club access with a full lifetime VIP membership to the Revive Her Drive Forum and Website with unlimited personal downloads to the eBooks and Audio Books forever, plus my valuable blog updates, for only $529.00 $4.95 for the first 14 days, and then one payment of $196.00.
You will never pay another penny and you will have full access to all my new content each time I update the program.

Use the Fast Path checklist and select the seduction strategies most likely to trigger a positive response in your woman.
I’m confident about the depth of knowledge of these hand-selected specialists, the sheer quality of the content and the ability for Revive Her Drive to convey to you the techniques that will make you a Seduction Master.
This information is both NEW, because it’s the latest and most integrated thinking these experts have done on this subject to date and it’s TRUSTED advice because I’ve distilled a dozen viewpoints into an organized, 4-Step Revival Plan. You can start having a lifetime of great sex all for less than the cost of one single night out to dinner (and I promise, the quality and quantity of your sexual connections will skyrocket ;))
So go ahead, click on the big orange button below, and place your order now to immediately access the 5 core eBooks and more than a dozen audio books and transcripts. Get started! This is simply the most easy system ever made to show you how to reverse her declining love chemicals using positive female psychology. This CAN rekindle her libido.
If you get stuck, post your questions in the Members’ Forum and you’ll get support, not just from me, but from all the other men on the same journey back to the fun and friskiness you long for right now.
All the Best,
Susan Bratton
Creator of “Revive Her Drive.”

will bring your woman to her knees.

There are 4 overview eBooks (.pdf) that explain how to apply the 4 Elements of Revival seduction plan to your particular situation.
You may have received 2 of these (“Repairable?” and “Stealth”) for review prior to the sale.
There is a workbook called Relationship Values™ that helps you understand how to get what you want in your relationship and how to give her what she really wants.
There are 12 interviews with specialists covering a range of topics for men who want to have a passionate sexual life with your woman. These are audio interviews in .mp3 format that each come with a beautifully transcribed eBook in .pdf.
You can listen to and read what each of the specialists say on a wide range of topics from Sexual Sticking Points to Erotic Adventures to Lifelong Passion to Ejaculatory Mastery and so much more.
Additionally, there are compilation eBooks and audio collections that aggregate the wisdom from all 12 experts into themes such as Overcoming Resistance, Trust and Surrender, Marital Passion, Mistakes You’re Making and Seductive Sexuality.
All of your purchased assets are stored in the Personal Life Media membership site that you get a login and password to access from any web browser, anytime, anywhere in the world as often as you like. This will keep your content safe.
In addition, you can download the eBooks and Audio as often as you’d like to any computer, anytime. You can print out the eBooks on your home printer. And you can drag the audio into your iTunes, put it on your mp3 player, iPod, iPad or smartphone.
You can also burn all the mp3 audio files to blank CD’s to listen to in your car or stereo system. There is no video in this program.
If you have a Kindle, iPad or other eReader, you can also drag the .pdf eBooks to those devices.
The membership forum will always keep a copy for you and you can join other men in discussion about sex, romance and seduction within the Member’s Forum.
P.P.S. I am only interested in creating life-long customer relationships with men just like you, who are using my product and producing GREAT results! Get this system, follow the simple step-by-step instructions, and then email me and let me how well you’re doing. I truly mean it. I haven’t met you (yet) though I really care about your success. So please email me and prove to yourself that your future sexual satisfaction is worth this small investment.
P.P.P.S. Still not convinced you need this course? Let me give you one more reason why I think Revive Her Drive is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. What is it really costing you in your life NOT to have the pleasure, intimacy, feelings of power and sexual abundance you know you should have?