Revive Her Drive™ JV Partner Application
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Launch Promotion Ending September 26th
If you are just joining us, don’t worry.

Revive Her Drive will be switching into “Evergreen Launch” mode on September 27th. Make sure to join the list so that we can send you details about how you can promote it on an ongoing basis.

Launch Promotion Calendar – What to Send When
  • September 12 to 15 send this:
    Webinar 46% Conversion Rate In Pre-Launch Testing for customers who completed opt-in form.
  • September 16 send this:
    Video 1 Free eBook download, “Is Her Sex Drive Repairable?”
  • September 17 send this:
    Video 2 Free audio download, “21 Deadly Mistakes Men in Relationships Make” (Cookied users don’t need to opt-in)
  • September 18 send this:
    Video 3 Free eBook download “Stealth Turn Around Tricks” (Cookied users don’t need to opt-in)
  • Sale starts on September 22 and goes until September 26. Send these pages on those days:
    Insiders Club Special <=== Goes Live On September 22 Presentation Video Sales Letter
Don’t Have A ClickBank ID?
We use ClickBank to sell Revive Her Drive. If you don’t already have a ClickBank account, sign up today.
Get a ClickBank Account <=== Click Here To Get a ClickBank Account

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Partner Testimonials

“I’ve worked with Suz and Tim Bratton in several product launches now, and all I can say is: They are the MASTERS of top-quality content creation for online product launches. We’ve made thousands of dollars in sales together in several launches now. Thanks Tim and Suz!” ~ Gabrielle Moore –